A review by koplomps
Brand New Friend by Mike Gayle

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
I got to 95 pages and hardly nothing has happened. The man keeps complaining about being lonely but at the same time he is being very picky and judgy. Also, this book was published in 2005, written by a man and it shows.
Two moments that  really irked me:
1. Page 83, Ashley's friend squeezes her ass at a bar, in front of her friends and her boyfriend Rob. What Rob thinks is " Luke was always doing stuff like that to show Rob he'd known Ashley so much longer than Rob had that he could pinch her bottom secure in the knowledge that Rob couldn't say a word without seeming churlish". Does the writer really think a woman or any person wouldn't react to a "friend" squeezing their ass? Like what the heck?? How is it in any way an acceptable thing for Luke to do?

2. Page 95. Ashley has made a "looking for friends" advert in the local newspaper in Rob's name (kind os sketchy) and Rob is immediately calling it "gay". Is he really so insecure about his own sexuality that meeting a man, to make friends with him, is suddenly gay? All of his old friends were men and that wasn't a problem, why is it now? Found his reaction a bit gayphobic tbh.

I found the writing overall okay, a bit boring but it moved somewhat smoothly. I'd rate my current reading experience 2,5/5