A review by laurakershaw
Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle


Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book!

I went into this book with one set of expectations about the description and left it with a lot of unexpected twists and turns that I maybe could have predicted if I wasn’t so engrossed in the read. I have read similar “fortune telling” books in the past, but nothing quite like this. In an effort to not give too much away, I’ll try to be vague about the things I loved about it.

The book nails the motivations and fears of the main character. She is relatable, complicated, and interesting. Her love interests are well-explained and all contribute to the overall plot of the book and the writing supports it and isn’t too repetitive (something that other romances I’ve read do have trouble with). I also enjoyed the length and felt that it was a full idea without too much fluff, which is hard to do in this genre. All in all, I have very few cons for reading this book and would recommend to most readers who want a quick romance read with some complexity and two likable male leads.