A review by mw2k
Viperhand by Douglas Niles, Fred Fields


More good fun. I think Niles has hit his straps as a novelist with this series after the very ponderous and occasionally silly Moonshae trilogy. What works the best is the story-telling. It moves, and it's catchy, and for the majority of one's reading experience, that's all that matters.

For sure, the characterisations are nothing noteworthy (they rarely are in these novels) and the setting has been lifted straight out of Meso-American history. Niles still has issues conveying romance in the written word - you get the idea he's a little awkward with the whole rosy thing, especially with his tentative tiptoes on the subject of love triangles.

All up however, I'm happily surprised with this series, especially after slogging through some Forgotten Realms dross to get to them.