A review by itsonmytbr
Shadows in Death by J.D. Robb


Shadows in Death is the 51st volume of the In Death series. You'd think I'd have drifted away from Eve Dallas after all this time but I still read them the minute they come out. I have to admit, there were about a dozen books in the middle that I don't strictly remember, but Robb (Nora Roberts) came back with full force for book 50, Golden in Death, and she's maintained that energy with Shadows.

This is a Roark book, meaning it's about Roarke's history (more of that, please!) but also that he's not just the pretty love interest here. This book brings us back to the Roarke from the very first books: dangerous and actually rather cold. At the same time, we see how much Roarke and changed and how much, 50 books later, he still continues to change.

Eve, too, has changed, but maybe not for the better. She does something in Shadows (spoilers!) that made me actually recoil. It's not something that Eve Dallas would do. Though maybe it's something that Roarke's Eve would do. Would Roarke marry someone that couldn't empathize with and make allowances for his need for vengeance?

Side note: we continue to see hints about babies. Are they having one, or what? I normally hate seeing babies introduced in a series, but I'd love to see Eve panic, then realize Roarke is panicking too.