A review by ea82625
Just a Touch by Tabatha Kiss



This book seemed entirely unbelievable and based on a weak premise. We’re lead to believe that the main characters fell madly in love while teenagers working at the hotel and got married at 19. Then the fact that they break up for 10 years and when they get back together the mmc is like “I remember exactly what she likes, etc” was annoying. Anybody would have changed in that amount of time but especially in your 20s. To just force them back into bed together without building up to that point makes their relationship seem like complete lust. 

The other thing that I didn’t like about this book was all of the uses of italics and capitals and exclamation points. With how many exclamation points there were it was like every character was shouting the whole 25% that I read. I feel like if an author needs to rely on these things so much they’re not conveying things appropriately with the rest of the writing.