A review by dryadgurrl
The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan


On the whole, I liked this book, though not enough to pick up the sequel. The prose was luridly purple, seriously, $5 and $6 words thrown around when perfectly good $4 words would do, and sometimes more than one of them at once. I consider myself a word-knowledgeable person, I have a good vocabulary, so when I have to look up multiple words in a sentence, something is very wrong.

There were a few times that I almost put it down because it was too close to reading my early-teenage fanfic (like when he called someone's eyes 'orbits', at least I think he was referring to eyes, it was too wordy and vague to really tell) and also certain story elements (that I won't spoil for anyone who hasn't read it and wants to)

BUT these issues aside, the story in and of itself was enjoyable and I don't feel that I wasted my time reading this book. Just be warned that you may need a dictionary (and perhaps a thesaurus) on hand to translate.