A review by xterminal
Progeny by Lisa McCourt Hollar


Lisa McCourt Hollar, Progeny (Lisa McCourt Hollar, 2012)

This short, which seems to be a teaster for the forthcoming novel The Legend of Greystone Manor, is a paranormal romance. And while I'm sure everyone who doesn't actually write the stuff is heartily sick of it, I have to admit that Ms. Hollar des enough interesting, though generally nasty, stuff in this short for it to at least hold my interest. When it gets explicit, it gets very explicit, if only briefly, and there are some images I doubt you've ever seen in a paranormal romance before. This is a good thing. I could tell you a few other differences, but we'd be getting into spoiler territory (I will try to avoid it by telling you this: “romance” is a genre, not necessarily indicative of the book's content). Interesting; I'll be watching for the novel. ** ½