A review by mjsam
Ask Me Again by E.J. Noyes


I bought this a while back after reading [b:Ask, Tell|31374674|Ask, Tell|E.J. Noyes|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1475303757l/31374674._SX50_.jpg|52063970] but it’s been in my TBR pile since then because I knew it would be a heavier read and have been kind of avoiding it. I just received book 3 as an ARC, so decided I should read this before I can start that one.

I won’t bother recapping the plot, the synopsis tells you what the book is about and other reviews also touch on it. This was a hard read, it’s not a happy book, but then PTSD books rarely are. And there’s a lot of struggling in this book, Sabine is obviously struggling with her PTSD, feelings of disconnection, trying to get better, and trying to find her way in her relationship. Rebecca is also struggling with many of these things, as well as her guilt about what happened to Sabine. Both of them are clear on one thing though, that they love the other one above all else.

I was glad this book was told through both POVs, I thought Ask, Tell’s only flaw was the lack of Rebecca’s POV, and here it’s inherently necessary, because what happens to Sabine happened to her as well, I also liked that we got to revisit some of what happened in the first book from Rebecca’s perspective.

Sabine’s parents and her sister Jana, plus her friends Mitch and Amy also appear and while I liked that Rebecca had been welcomed into Sabine’s family (and loved the scene between Sabine’s father and Rebecca) I did feel like she lacked the same support system Sabine had, and I felt bad for her. In all actuality, the only problem I had with this book is that Rebecca doesn’t seek any help, even though others prompt her to. She should have, and I would have liked to see her receive that help. I was also a little wary of Vanessa (and totally think Sabine was right about her), but was glad that it was never an issue from Rebecca’s POV. Rebecca was so steadfast in this book, and I loved that she never wavered.

This isn’t your usual lesfic story, nor your usual lesfic sequel. But while it wasn’t comfortable to read, it’s a great story, and so well told, and while a lot of the story is bleak, the end is uplifting, and hopeful. I’m also glad there’s a book 3 so that we get to touch base with these characters again. 5 stars.