A review by bookwormlifeofbecks
So, This Is Christmas by Tracy Andreen


I did not finish this book. I got to chapter nine and had to call it quits. As a 27 year old woman, I don't usually read young adult books, but given that this is a Christmas book, I figured it would have to be cute! The plot itself is fine, it was the writing and pace I had a huge problem with. The language and descriptions were too 'teeny' for me and it just felt immature. I guess that's the risk you take with reading young adult books, as an adult. The pace was slow, it crawled along and I didn't connect to any of the characters. It felt so busy with so many characters, so many side story lines that it felt choppy. I would imagine it has a happy ending but I couldn't bring myself to power through and finish it. I would give what I read, two stars.