A review by selenityelizabeth
We Could be Villains by Megan McCullough


a fun adventure

Being a fan of Marvel and DC, this book was definitely appealing to me. The story sounded interesting and I really liked these characters, especially IronFall.

For a first time author, this isn’t too bad. It was slow at first and a lot was happening but I really wanted more time spent fleshing out the characters. There was a lot of telling and not really showing. There were a few errors I caught too that could have easily been corrected.

I kept telling myself to suspend my disbelief because like a big blockbuster supe film, there is a lot of stuff that happens and you just go with the flow. Although I wanted more details about some of the stuff that happened, I just went with it because I wanted to see how it would conclude. I also loved the transcripts between chapters.

I’m interested in reading what happens next. I hope the author keeps improving in her writing. It’s not terrible but could use some polishing so to speak. Overall I enjoyed this book and that cliffhanger ending! Lol! Well played ma’am.