A review by alisarae
Meb for Mortals: How to Run, Think, and Eat Like a Champion Marathoner by Meb Keflezighi, Scott Douglas


This was a good book that collects a lot of running resoures into one place: stretching, body strength exercises, drills, all with photos of Meb illustrating how to do them properly. I come from a swimming background, so I have hundreds of swimming drills in my back pocket but zero running drill knowledge. I know that there are many free resources online for this type of thing, but it's nice to have all of it in one place.

As other people have said, there are some goofy sponsorship messages (at least he is honest about saying it's a sponsor), and some of the advice is basic (set well defined A, B, and C goals, for example) but it was still interesting. As an athlete who literally has decades of professional running experience, it is nice to learn what training principles he lives by:
- It's better to be undertrained than overtrained
- Constantly evaluating choices in light of the bigger goal ('Can I have this doughnut? No, because my goal is to win the Boston Marathon.' -- maybe a little extreme for recreational runners but... he did go on to win the Boston Marathon. A more relevent question might be: Should I log on to facebook after 9:30pm? No, because it will tempt me to stay awake too late and compromise my workout tomorrow, and my goal is to run a sub-4 marathon.)
- Patience is key. Long distance running is not for the impatient.
- Diligence, discipline, and consistency in all areas of life
- Stay humble and honest

I understand why Meb is such a beloved figure in American running. His stoicism, commitment to excellence in his professional and personal life, his faith, and his humility are very inspiring.