A review by abookwormwithwine
This Won't End Well by Camille Pagán


Song/s the book brought to mind: All You Had To Do Was Stay by Taylor Swift

Told completely in emails and journal entries, [b:This Won't End Well|51327848|This Won't End Well|Camille Pagán|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1568790323l/51327848._SX50_SY75_.jpg|71654746] by [a:Camille Pagán|4462824|Camille Pagán|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1506559030p2/4462824.jpg] was a nice change of pace from the traditional novel and I loved Pagán's humor and wit.

It took a bit to get me hooked, but once I was into it I was IN. I mean, what's not to love about spying on your new neighbor, and an over enthusiastic friend that tries to sell you stuff while you're dealing with a fiancé that left you behind while he went to Paris to "find himself" before your wedding? Sorry that was probably a run on, but it is so true! Add to that a mom that hoards and having to quit a job due to sexual harassment, and you have yourself a lot of drama. There were a lot of things going on in This Won't End Well and I loved every minute of it.

This Won't End Well also mentions the show Supermarket Sweep which I haven't thought about in ages, but I miss it! I love the little nuggets that I find in Pagán's books that make them relatable to me, and possibly make me feel old like with this one. Really though, I know that when I read a book by this author I will be able to find things that I can relate to even if they are about people that aren't like me. I think this makes it a huge plus for readers, and I know you will be able to find things to relate to as well!

This Won't End Well was a lot of fun, but it was also surprisingly emotional, and I definitely had tears in my eyes towards the end. I love Pagán's writing so much, and I really need to stop putting off reading her backlist because I love everything I read by her. There are a lot of strong female characters in this book which is another thing I loved about it. This is definitely a feel-good read that will make you smile through any tears you might shed, and I highly recommend it!

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with an advance review copy of this book, all opinions and thoughts are my own.