A review by mezzosherri
The Truths We Hold: An American Journey by Kamala Harris


Full post at: https://anotherchange.net/2020/11/22/the-truths-we-hold-by-kamala-harris/

It wasn’t till I started writing this post that I realized The Truths We Hold is a campaign book. But of course it is. Released about a week or two before Harris launched her Presidential campaign in January 2019, and with the flag-waving subtitle An American Journey, it has all the hallmarks of the genre.

And no shame on that. This sort of book has a long and respectable lineage, from JFK’s Profiles in Courage to Obama’s Audacity of Hope to Warren’s This Fight is Our Fight. Good on Harris for writing her own.

Even if this memoir wasn't deeply self-revelatory, even if it skated past some of the hard times Harris has faced, even if there were stretches of the book that felt more like a policy platform than a memoir, I am still here for all of it. Because I have such hope in seeing these convictions, these policy positions articulated and knowing that the writer will be my Vice President not too long from now.