A review by zara93
Miracle Creek by Angie Kim


When a book exceeds your expectations, even though they were quite high already!

The cover says it’s “Gripping”, “Engrossing” and “Thought-provoking” and i couldn’t agree more! These deeply flawed characters, how their actions started this chain reaction of events that resulted in a heartbreaking tragedy. Even the “better” characters, the way she makes you look at them from a different lens and you suddenly question yourself for thinking they are good! And yet, part of you still feel sorry for them! What a debut novel! Absolutely incredible!

I loved that it was set in court, the different perspectives, the turns and twists and how it discusses so many different things. Abuse, chronic illness and mostly toxic and manipulative relationships, whether it’s a romantic relationship or parent-son relationships. It made me think so much about the “right” way to raise a child. And what is considered a justified reaction? I know i’ll think about this book for a very long time.

Angie Kim didn’t shy away from anything! The book surprised me from the beginning with a very gruesome scene! But i think it was necessary for it to be this detailed. Will definitely keep an eye out for her next release.