A review by whatsthestorywishbone
You Are Here: Connecting Flights by Ellen Oh


I listened to this with Reid (9) as book 2 of our Library’s Bluebonnet book club. It is a series of individual stories that intertwine. Reid LOVED spotting characters from one story to the next (often just by a reference to location or clothing) and we listened to it together over the course of two days. It was a mixed bag for me, but I am having a tough time pin pointing why. I guess I wanted to see more personality from the kids and stories. It obviously tries to deal with some pretty heavy subjects, and I would say succeeds in messaging but sometimes at the detriment to the storytelling resulting in me liking some of the stories better than others. I was surprised that the different author’s voices were not jarring or overly noticeable. However, perhaps if there had been more of a noticeable break in tone the kids would have felt more distinct? I felt it really started off strong with the first few stories, but then some of the characters started to run together and some of the points felt repetitive.