A review by amylikestoread
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer


I've never been a big fan of when authors give a back story to minor characters as an additional book/novella and this was was the case with this one. Even back when I was a huge Twilight fan I never saw the point to this book and when I flicked through it the other day I still don't. It just felt like it was released to try and bring back the Twilight hype for the last few movies , I honestly would rather have had rather Midnight Sun be released than this. There was a lack of anything substantial with this book, whilst I read it for the first time in only a couple of hours, when I was a Twilight fan I think I read it about twice afterwards because it was just so dull. Bree wasn't the most interesting protagonist and I was expecting more from the story of what was going on with Victoria and the newborn army. This book was just pointless and I wish I had not paid the money I had for this book.