A review by dajoyofit
Marked by Elisabeth Naughton


Beneath the flaws, there's actually a good story. Granted the whole 'bookstore owner-waitress at a strip club' double cliche and the over the top description of Theron made my eyes roll. I couldn't help picture a giant from the description, and even more confusing is how Casey was able to haul him over her shoulder and carry him into her place and onto her bed. Hmmmm.

(scratching my head)

I basically cringed through the first three chapters and kept asking myself, "Why?". The only reason I kept plugging away at the story was, because of a Reading Challenge. However, what had started out as an obligation to keep reading the "dribble" eventually turned into, "Wow! This is actually getting pretty good." Not to mention that right now you can get the ebook for FREE on your Nook.

What makes and SAVES this book is the Greek Mythology. Sadly, the world building though is rather lacking for the first four or so chapters. So you'll have to hang in there for a short while, but thank the gods the chapters are really small, so you won't have to wait long.

In a nutshell, the descendants of the demigods of Greek Mythology make up a race of beings called the Argoleans who live in a realm/world referred to as Argolea. The Olympians (you know Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, etc.) created Argolea for their half human children and their descendants. Among the Argoleans is an elite warrior class referred to as the Eternal Guardians and/or Argonauts tasked with the responsibility of protecting the gates between their world and the human world from daemon attacks. Some several thousand years ago an Argonaut turned evil named Atalanta made an agreement with the god Hades for immortality, thus setting into motion a prophecy about two halves who upon joining would undo the immortality granted to her.

Casey, our heroine - yes the same bookstore-owner/strip club waitress (rolling my eyes) unwittingly finds herself a player in this prophecy, and soon is on a race against time for her life and the life of mankind, Argoleans and Misos (a half Argolean; half human race) alike. Who would've known from chapter one, right?