A review by pa11av
Outlaws: A King & Slater Thriller by Matt Rogers


This book marks a departure from the regular King and Slater adventures. Our heroes don't get as beat up physically as they do emotionally and it feels like more of a drama than an action book, though there is plenty of action to keep the die-hard readers happy. The turmoil and the gut-wrenching moments of this book are from an emotional point of view and that is very rare to see in a book that has guys totting guns on the cover and flaming action montage written all over. There is not a single dull moment in the book. The character of Violetta is fleshed out even better and the character of Alexis is set up as something of its own for the coming books. This sets up the scene for more maniac adventures.

Without giving any spoilers, fans of King and Slater will love this one because how it explores the relation between the two characters when they are both taking to the extreme of their ability to trust and have faith in everything around them.

A stellar book, looking forward to reading more from the duo.