A review by notspacemanlee
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie


Yes, Alexie is a creep and an egomaniac (my Goodreads ratings are always about the merits of the book), but I've always loved his raw and unfiltered poems, stories, and books about Rez Life.

Arnold Spirit Jr. finds himself stuck between two worlds - living on a reservation with little hope - and attending a white high school 22 miles away. Amidst the material that have always given prudes the vapors (oh my gosh - masturbation, teens calling each other f--s, and boners; won't someone think of the children!) - there is a lot of profound wisdom and great discussion opportunities when handled by a skilled high school English teacher. There are relatable situations for every teen. Though the book is 10-15 years old, I could see how it would keep the attention of teenagers who otherwise have little interest in reading. I'm pushing 40, and I did not put the book down once.
While I did not live in a rez and had a stable middle class home life - I can completely relate feeling very out of place a rich kid's boarding school because I had good grades and could dribble a ball while all my childhood friends went to local public schools. And then I had a scholarship to a university flush with oil money and was even more out of place!

Enough about me though, this YA book is relatable to most teens and adults.

I'm surprised the Moms For Liberty haven't gone after this book, along with everything Sherman Alexie has ever written, but perhaps it's because his name doesn't sound like a minority name - plus none of them actually read the books on their protest lists.