A review by fawksylibrarian
A Sparrow's Roar by Paolo Chikiamco, C. R. Chua


My only issue with "A Sparrow's Roar" is that it almost felt incomplete. The story is fun and I love the characters but I also want more. Based off my reading of it it feels like a one-shot and I just want a little more from it. Per and Elena have such a wonderful relationship and when you add in Amelia you really see what loyalty and leadership can look like. I"m always down for a strong female lead graphic novel and this one definitely delivers that. CR Chua's artwork add wonderfully to the narrative and really pulls the story they wrote with Paolo Chikiamco together. While there is sword violence, I would still feel fine with middle grade readers picking up the title. Hopefully we'll get some more from this team and see where Per's story takes her and more about the history of the medallion.