A review by hobbitfreddie
Beautiful People by 三原ミツカズ, Mitsukazu Mihara


Idk how to rate this one tbh. It’s an anthology so all together I think the comic is alright but not for everyone. It has some CWs and is a bit gritty and unsavory at times so proceed with caution. Most of the stories are good. With two being just alright and one being absolutely awful. So I’d say just pick out which ones sound good if you don’t wanna read the whole thing. It’s short though, I was able to knock it out in one go with breaks.

The arts pretty good. It’s got that 2000’s manga style I can’t remember the name of. Nothing too mind blowing but didn’t feel too cheap or lazy.

Princess White Snow- 5/5 Nice little short story that uses its length well to make a pretty emotional story, it’s probably cliche but dang it that was a nice starter.

Worlds End- 2.5/5
I liked the apocalyptic setting with two flawed characters that dislike each other. Idk I did not like the male lead. He was very unlikable even though they were supposed to be flawed I just couldn’t with him. Especially after he tried to assault the girl lead. That brought the chapter down, I just don’t think it needed to be in there. Up until then I really enjoyed it, shame it fell apart towards the end. The conclusion was luck luster. Apparently the leads were queer (representation is nice) but I don’t like where they went with it ig.

Electric Angel- 2.5/5 Not offensive but it just didn’t really affect me. Ending felt kinda unearned and somehow not satisfying. Wasn’t really interested in the story. Skippable.

Lady Stalker- 0/5 Skip this one. Title explains it all. Very gross, that was the point ig not saying you can’t tell stories like this but this wasn’t it. And the ending??? Huh?

Beautiful people- 4/5 Setting always gets me. I liked the atmosphere of a girl returning to her hometown. I liked the theme and supernatural elements as well. Got a little gross in one panel but thankfully it was just one panel and only talked about not shown.

Blue Sky- 3.5/5 Another supernatural one that felt very short (it might have been shorter than the others idk). It’s pretty simple but affective in being an emotional short story. Not like too crazy I’ve probably seen something like this before but still a good story to close.