A review by crispycritter
A War of Hearts and Fate by N.E. Henderson

Did not finish book. Stopped at 92%.
I can suffer no more. 

Started out - fine? I didn’t go into this expecting Shakespeare. 

  • I felt like I was reading blocking for a play. Why did I need to know so and so was walking to the left of the couch while someone else was on the right etc etc? 
  • Terrible spice. Too much spice. Spice for spice’s sake. At one point the author tried to convince us that the MMC loved his super toothy bl0w j0b. It felt like this was written by a 13 year old with zero real life experience. 
  • Ya gotta make sure the one character isn’t so mean to the other character that a grovel is actually possible. 
  • Overall, the writing was ROUGH. Just because we can monetize fanfiction doesn’t mean we should.