A review by the_enobee
The Woodwitch by Stephen Gregory


This is the first book I've read that I cannot imagine recommending to a single person. In fact, I'm loathe to admit that I read the entire thing for fear of being required to explain myself. What, exactly, is wrong with me?

A word count summary of The Woodwitch (240 pages):

Stinkhorn - 146
Badger - 85
Maggots - 46
Eggs (we're not talking chickens here, folks) - 45
Erect - 35
Pupae - 22
Phallus - 21
Spores - 16
Putrefaction - 6

(Numbers thanks to the search function on my kindle)

Okay, so now you know what you're getting into. I think the author is just messing with us. I have a theory on the writing of this novel.

I once had a girlfriend that found certain words intolerably disgusting. I kept a tally, and whenever she would let a new one slip, I would combine them all in a soup of hideous word play that would give her the shivers and leave us both laughing. She pretended to hate it, but deep down, I think we both found it an enjoyable pastime.

My theory is that something similar happened here. Gregory wrote this for someone on some kind of dare against writing the most horrid, disgusting tome ever devised by the mind of man. I think Gregory and his audience are still laughing about this one.

Was The Woodwitch incredibly well-written? Without a doubt. Was it worth reading? Only if you find a bowl full of maggots pleasant.

That being said, I gave this two stars instead of one because Gregory's writing was so intriguing I will have to try another one of his books. And for being in a near vomitous state for frighteningly large portions of time, I whipped through this pretty fast. Also, I have to say, the the ending left no doubt one was in the hands of a master.