A review by chrystalo
Covering: The Hidden Assault on Our Civil Rights by Kenji Yoshino


This is a very different style of book from those that I usually read. It was a book chosen as the freshman reading book for the university where I work, and I wanted to get a sense of what the cool kids (read: nerdy kids) are reading these days. It was a book that I wished went deeper. I think it was very valuable to define a term that is not something I was familiar with academically but definitely experience on a regular basis as a person of multi-layered and generally minority/less privileged background. It's worth a read for beginner identity rights, but I felt like there was so much more to say. However, for someone who's not as deep in the trenches of identity "politics" as I feel like I am from experience and exposure, it presents a perspective that's very relatable and can be applied even to people who are traditionally viewed as "the norm".