A review by booksforchristiangirls
Mark of Blood and Alchemy by Evangeline Denmark


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About this book:

“In this novella prequel to Evangeline Denmark's YA fantasy novel Curio, Olan Havardsson flees a devastating plague that took his family only to be saved by a mysterious group of "magickers" with healing powers. But as he accompanies his rescuers to their alpine enclave, mysteries arise surrounding their potions and powers of alchemy. Questions mount when Olan observes a deep division forming between those who seek to defend the purity of the healing alchemical work and those who would wield it as a powerful weapon.
Olan is thrust into the midst of this dissention after he discovers he is somehow special--chosen as a guardian like the enclave's founder. As he spends time with two of his rescuers--Auriana, a clever and captivating inventor, and Alaric, a brooding young man wrestling with his father's cruel beliefs--Olan realizes he may have the power to direct the course of blood and alchemy..”

Series: Considered Book #.5 and connected to the author’s new book, “Curio”.

Spiritual Content- A mention of thanking God; A mention of God’s green earth; A couple mentions of prayers; A couple mentions of church; A mention of a monk believing the natural state of our bodies is dust; Mentions of monks;
*Note: All about a man who’s called a Saint & the miracles he performed; All about dark (blood) magic & evil practices; Mentions of witches & witchcraft; Mentions of gods, goddess, demons & spirits; A mention of dark angels becoming humans; A mention of d*mning a soul & another realm; A mention of Hell’s gate.

Negative Content- All about blood & bleeding people (semi-detailed to detailed); Lots of blood, fighting, & pain (semi-detailed); Thinking you’re dying (semi-detailed); Many mentions of drinking & brandy (semi-detailed); Mentions of injuries (semi-detailed); Mentions of hitting (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of throwing up; A couple mentions of murder (up to semi-detailed); A mention of a picture of animals eating each other (barely-above-not-detailed).

Sexual Content- a forehead kiss, a semi-detailed kiss & a boarder-line semi-detailed // detailed kiss; Lots of Warmth, Nearness, Holding & Touches (semi-detailed); Noticing & Staring (semi-detailed); Olan has a yearning to find a wife; Olan has visions of making Auriana his wife, kissing her, exploring & studying her; Mentions of kisses; Love & love at first sight.

-Olan Havardsson
P.O.V. of Olan
112 pages

Pre Teens- One Star
New Teens- One Star
Early High School Teens- One Star
Older High School Teens- One Star
My personal Rating- One Star
Well. That was interesting, I’m not sure what I just read. I feel very lost & confused. This wasn’t a very happy prequel. Lots of blood, pain, bleeding, dark (blood) magic & drinking other people’s blood. See a theme? Lots of blood! I think I understood most of what I read, but I’m not a-hundred-percent-sure on that. The word building & describing things other than a woman's body was lacking. I didn't feel like I was actually there, just looking in. The epilogue was quite depressing. No actually Christian content, which wasn’t surprising. I don’t like the whole ‘love at first sight’ thing and I personally found some parts to be lust. I don’t have high hopes for “Curio” now, but I still plan to read & review it.

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