A review by thatreadhead
Broken Pride by Erin Hunter


Link to my blog: https://thatreadhead1.wordpress.com/2018/04/28/review-broken-pride-by-erin-hunter/

This is the first book in Erin Hunter's latest series, Bravelands. I was expecting such good things from this series, as it features a lion, a baboon and an elephant on the great plains of Africa. And I did receive those good things, just not in the way I was expecting.
Fearless's courage and perseverance are definitely admirable, and I love how he was aptly named. He performed many great feats throughout this novel!
Thorn's loyalty and determination make me want to be more like him, and his faith in him and Berry is so cute. I really hope he gets what he deserves!
I also really hope that Sky knows how to handle her destiny, and that she pulls through for everyone, as I feel like she has a long road ahead of her.

I assumed that the characters would all meet at the start of the novel, so the fact that they didn't was kind of a let-down for me. I suppose it all is set up nicely for the next book though! Can't wait to see their relationships blossom, and see what adventures they all get into.
There were a few plot twists for me throughout this book, and also a bit of anger deep inside at the whole cheetah thing, as well as the murder thing. That surprised me so much! Poor Fearless and Thorn :( I don't agree with how Thorn changed at the end though, that really decreased things for me. Denial is one of the things I hate in stories. I want it all to work out though! Will be picking up the second novel soon!