A review by chelseas_reads
The Seafarer's Kiss by Julia Ember


this book was so much fun to read. it wasn't particularly long either. the writing style is so easy to follow and fast paced. there were few moments when i was bored, but for the most part i couldn't put the book down!

i absolutely adored ragna. i found her so relatable (and cool?). ersel was (almost) as cool, even though she was the main character.

i found this a very interesting and unique take on the little mermaid. i love the incorporation of norse mythology and vikings. i've never thought of the little mermaid from ursula's pov (at least, i'm assuming it is). there was so many amazing parts to this book, from the lgbt+ rep to the under represented body type.

the seafarer's kiss hasn't been getting much hype and i wish it had! it's so well written and deserves it (unlike a certain other book that recently came out).

okay but seriously, if you haven't heard of or read the seafarer's kiss, go buy it now. you've got to. i promise you won't regret it.