A review by bookph1le
Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou


I'm tempted to also shelve this as "horror", because that's mostly what I felt while reading this book. I really want to sit down and write a thought-out review, but I need to digest it a bit first.

I do have one big thing I want to say about it, though. If this book isn't a stellar example and irrefutable proof of the fact that journalism is critically important to a democratic society, then I don't know what is. This book features some truly heroic characters, one of whom is the author, whose dogged pursuit of the truth of this story uncovered a fraud that could have put countless lives at risk. This is the true power of the press, and it is vital to the health and welfare of our society. Without it, unscrupulous opportunists would get away with far more than they already do.