A review by caseroo7
Broken Love Story by Natasha Madison


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Broken Love Story is the third book in the Love Series by Natasha Madison. This book is a standalone story, but each book in this series is interconnected. In case you haven’t you haven’t read the previous books in this series, each book centers around one couple, all dealing with the circumstances of a life changing incident. I have to admit that while I was excited for the first two books, I knew this one was going to be different and that had me extremely nervous. I shouldn’t have been though, as this book was just as good as the previous ones and I think fans are going to love it!

From the outside, Samantha’s life looked perfect. A good man for a husband, two beautiful daughters and a family she gained through marriage. But with one phone call, her world is shattered leaving her with doubts and questions that no one can answer. Blake loved and lost his dream girl, and he vowed to never open himself up for that kind of pain again. But when he meets Samantha at the worst time in her life, he soon realizes that he can’t easily forget her. As Samantha searches for answers from one of the only places she can get them, her and Blake grow closer and soon they both begin to wonder if two broken souls can complete one another for a future they never envisioned.

I wasn’t sure how I’d feel here about Samantha and Blake, but I really liked both of them. Their connection was one I felt right away, and it was so real and genuine. I loved that while it was there right from the start, it built naturally, with them becoming someone they each could talk to and their friendship and relationship grew from that. They fit well together, and it just seemed as though everything that they had each gone through led them to exactly where they were meant to be.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book as I have this entire series. The characters were all unique and easy to relate to. Each book was emotional and well developed, with an overall story not to be missed, but with each couple shining and deserving of their own book. I loved Samantha and Blake, and her two daughters were adorable. This book was one I felt invested in right away, and my heart broke for all that Samantha was going through as well as Blake. I definitely recommend this series, and while each book can be read as a standalone, I highly recommend reading them in order if possible. Each book is a great story, and I love the way each one pieces together the entire picture, showing that love and hope can be found in the most unlikely of places and circumstances and that it is always worth fighting for and taking the risk on.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**