A review by katroseknibbs
American Road Trip by Patrick Flores-Scott


Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC. However, this review deals with the published edition.
I did want to like this book. And I mostly did. It’s overall a heartwarming story of family. But there a few things I couldn’t get past. For one, if you find your sibling writing a suicide note, you. tell. your. parents. You call a hospital. You get them professional help. These siblings have a lot of respect for each other, but I can’t forgive that. Secondly, it is not the responsibility of a seventeen year old to be the guardian of his extremely traumatized older sibling. Nor is it the responsibility of the twenty year old sister. Manny needs a lot of help, as those who suffer from PTSD do, and forcing that responsibility on a child is not the way to help. Many dangerous things can and did happen. Please, if you or anyone you know is suffering and considering harming themselves or others, seek proffesional help.