A review by bookbriefs
Defy by Raine Thomas


First of all, I have to say that I really love this cover! It grabbed my attention immediately. And the coolest part about it is that I totally pictured her as Tate the whole time. And I know that the whole point of having a cover model is to have her look like the character, but they don't always match up with the image I create in my head. But this one did- it was dead on. The cover just captures her essence really well.

Raine Thomas is like a master world builder. She made the coolest creatures and world. I loved learning all about it. But the one mistake I made was that I didn't read the glossary before I started reading the book. As a result, I was kind of confused. There are so many new terms for the kinds of people and things that they all became kind of jumbled up for me for a while. But the good news is that this has such an easy fix. Don't be overeager like me- take the time to read the glossary of terms at the start of the book. It helps to clear everything up! Plus it is kind of like a cool little history lesson.

I really loved seeing the bond that Tate and Tiege( her twin brother) share. It was really touching to watch him go to such great lengths for her. And Tate, well she is a bit stubborn. But then again she is a teenager, and like ALL teens she thinks she knows everything. (Hey, it happens to the best of us- we have all been there). This can get her into trouble sometimes, but she is savvy and that is what I loved most about her. She uses her head, and I really appreciated that we got to see her thought process. For example, I loved her checklist of things to do in order of importance when she was first leaving the cave.

One thing I could not picture, no matter how hard I tried, was seeing everyone appearing as the same age. Everyone looked like they were 17-19, which is awesome but also a really strange concept to me. As I was reading, even though I knew all the adults and elders appeared like a teenager, I still pictured them as middle aged. It is just a hard habit to break. That would be really hard for me to give authority figured the respect they deserve if they looked to be my age. I would see everyone as my peer, which I guess in a way is very equalizing and good. But still a little strange. Don't get me wrong though, I would love to not age anymore. I would be more than happy to be frozen at 24 forever :)

Defy seems to be the start of a really promising series. I can't wait to see what Raine has in store for us next. I have her Daughters of Saraqael trilogy, which I recently learned is the sister/earlier generation series to this one (the firstborn trilogy) and now that I have gotten a taste of this awesome world, I need more! I think I will be bumping up the Daughters of Saraqael trilogy on my TBR list!