A review by itsonmytbr
Dead by Sunset by Ann Rule


Quintessential Ann Rule. Here's a local story about a killing in the Northeast that might not have been super interesting if it weren't for the amount of research that Rule put into each person affected. A man killed his wife, but that was after and before he spent decades preying on women emotionally and pretending to be a successful genius businessman. The slow tearing apart of his constructs is just as interesting as the trial that eventually puts him away.

The one issue I have is the one I have with all of Rule's books: everyone is beautiful and clever. Her killers are always Ted Bundy types, irresistible and above suspicion, while the victims are always beautiful but self-conscious, brilliant but continuously marrying Ted Bundy types. I can't tell if this is how Rule saw the world or if this is how yuppy white people at the end of the previous century saw the world. By the end, it always feels as though everyone involved was a bit dumb and the killer most of all. Like he would have got caught 3 decades ago if he weren't wearing a suit the whole time.

I listened to this on Audible and really enjoyed the narrator. He did a great job keeping the voices distinct. He even sounded like Rule, a bit.