A review by emesskay
The Unnaturalists by Tiffany Trent


In an alternate dimension, New London exists, created when St. Tesla conducted one of his experiments, opened a portal, and sucked people, building and technology through. It is a world of magic, fairies and elemental beings, which the humans consider "unnatural." To counter the magic, the humans start to see science as a religion (hence you have St. Darwin, St. Pasteur, etc.). Much of the technology is powered by "myth powder", which people believe is mined somewhere else. There are two groups of people - the city folk who believe in science and power their machines with myth powder, and the tinkers, who live outside the city, without much technology, and in cooperation with the elementals. The town folk periodically raid the tinker encampments to press gang tinkers into working in the refineries of New London.

Vespa Nix lives in New London, the daughter of a scientist, and all she wants to do is spend her time in the museum cataloging the unnatural creatures. However a chain of events leads her to discover that she is actually a witch, a wielder of magic, which is heresy, punishable by death. As she confronts this new reality she has to decide who to trust and what to do to not only save herself, but this world.

Really enjoyed this book. I felt the world was well-developed, and the story's pace was good. There were no lulls, with plenty of twists and turns.