A review by claudia_is_reading
Mystery Magnet by Gregory Ashe

funny mysterious


Gregory Ashe writing a COZY? Picture me surprised. *laughs* And it is a very good one (try to act surprised, I'll wait here :P)

What we have here is a motley crew of picturesque characters, a found family of the best kind in a tourist town in Oregon, who find themselves including Dash under their collective wings when the matron of the house (and Matron of Murder!) is killed short after Dash arrives to take a job. Oh, the irony *laughs*

The story is told from Dash perspective, and I love his voice. He's a neurotic mess, sure, but he's also smart, quick-witted and determined when it really counts. Decide what milk he wants for his coffee? Worth hyperventilating.  Decide to pursue a murderer to clear his name? No biggie :P

The gang is composed of such a different cast of people: serious, motherly Indra; silent and somehow troubled Keme; drama queen Fox; and overenthusiastic Millie. They shouldn't work, and yet, they do, beautifully. Fair warning, Millie is an acquired taste, it took me a while to warm to her *laughs*

Then, we have Deputy Bobby who not only is a good policeman but a kind one. And yes, there are possibilities there, even as he has a boyfriend. A gorgeous one, according to Dash. But you'll agree with me after you read a late-night conversation between him and Dash *smiles*

And you know what I loved the most? That there was a very obvious clue as to who the culprit was but I totally missed it. Because only becomes that obvious (to me, at least) after the fact *laughs*
A fantastic first book in a series that promises to be long and twisty. Oh, yes, I'm looking forward to all those books and to learn more about all the characters in them :D