A review by erin0999
Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige


I’ve been trying to read this book since it came out in 2014 and honestly a binge read is the best way to read this book because it can be a little... boring. There just were some parts that seemed to drag on and on without much change or drama.
The premise is definitely awesome and I had a good time reading this book it’s just now I understand WHY after 6-ish years I struggled to get through this book once. Once I got some steam (because it is a very fast read and I like to see how many pages I’ve read) I really appreciated a lot of the detail. This is a book that’s written rather simply but is chock full of imagination.
I will probably pick up the sequel because I liked this book despite some of its flaws and I feel like there’s a chance the books will mature as I work through the series and I’m excited to see that.
Also this book had some really dark parts. Like I was shocked at some of the violence, but I really liked that about it. It didn’t shy away from the dark which is exactly what’s needed when you do a dark retelling.