A review by intorilex
Pale Highway by Nicholas Conley


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Actual Rating 4.5
A mixture of fantasy and insightful self reflection, this was a great read. Gabriel is trying to piece together who he was and hold on to what's left of his mind at the end of his life. The novel flashes through his past describing pivotal decisions and experiences, while he's faced with the present. The book makes you think about getting old, which while uncomfortable is sobering. Gabriel has to come to terms with his responsibility and decision making before he loses his mind, while conversing and grappling with talking slugs.

"Death was the reward. That was perhaps the greatest punishment of all and evilest mockery."

Recognizing his genius while being afraid of the responsibility of it, Gabriel has to accept his past as it was, knowing  that he is beyond being able to fix it. At over seventy he is still learning who he is and why it's important. The people that he loves has continually tried to get him to look past his tendency to self destruct, but his decisions while trying to cure the virus remain stubborn and self serving. The nursing home friends that he describes are strong individuals who at the end of their life are finding their own ways to show their strength. The stubbornness and odd requests are their last versions of autonomy. The talking slugs and the mysterious Victor whether real or not, guide Gabriel to a final confrontation with himself.

"Dignity comes from walking that road from one day to the next, knowing that things might get worse and that everything you love might be taken away from you, yest persevering anyway and never surrendering who you are."

The book does a great job of making you realize how important and fulfilling it is, to accept who you are despite of the consequences. Gabriel tirelessly searches for a cure to the black virus and the process described could only be fueled by a brilliant mind. The science involving the immune system and the black virus was believable, and I enjoyed thinking through it. I did get emotional at times thinking of how helpless Gabriel felt at certain points in the book. The only reason this isn't five stars is because the beginning started off a bit slow, but led to a engaging and worthwhile read. I would recommend this to fans of fantasy who can handle a frank and emotionally impactful look at getting old and death.

This e-book was provided to me by the Author in exchange for an honest review.