A review by beckiebookworm1974
Saltlands by Elizabeth Stephens


I enjoyed this but not as much as the first book. There was a lot of violence which I don’t necessarily mind but I felt this actually overwhelmed the entire story. It was just one bloody encounter after another and it did start to get a bit monotonous. There was also a scene in here regarding the brother that I didn’t think added anything to the tale. It just wasn’t needed all the other stuff he did was enough to add the necessary conflict without this particular incident it just came completely out of left field and shocked me a bit.

I wanted more Kane and Abel here and less of what we got. There were also times here that the narrative did lose me slightly and I had to reread bits as it wasn’t always very comprehensive. Still, this story was definitely interesting with the post-apocalyptic setting and for that, I would recommend I also will be reading the next in the series.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm