A review by callistanagirl
Little Black Bird by Anna Kirchner


I loved this book. The entire concept is great with the sorcerers and Guardians and demons and all that. It all just felt so real? I also really enjoyed that it was set in Poland, because so very few books are, and learning about the Slavic mythology. It's just you know an amazing book in general!! It wasn't what I was expecting before I started it or even in the beginning of the book, but I couldn't imagine any way it could possibly be better. And then the characters... Those were my absolute favourites. Both her cousins for being so supportive and just generally great, and Artur (plus a few others of course). And the aro/ace stuff? AMAZING. It just made me so so so happy. Possible SPOILER WARNING HERE!!!!! I absolutely loved the way it was talked about it the book. Her confusion, and how she kept questioning herself. And their relationship dynamic. I think a qpr would be the best way to describe their relationship? Which just made me so so so happy because I've never seen that in a book before. Ace characters always just either end up alone or in a romantic relationship, both of which are great, but they aren't the only options and I loved seeing that represented here.

Basically, everything about this book made me really happy. I'm so thankful it exists. Now I just need to know how their story continues...