A review by angelicide
The Eternal Prison by Jeff Somers


This book was amazing. Easily one of the best gritty cyberpunk novels I've read. The funny thing is, I don't remember being that impressed with the first two books in the series. Either the author really stepped it up for the finale or I must not have been in the right frame of mind to appreciate the earlier titles. Makes me want to go back and re-read them now.

Avery Cates, the anti-hero, is the perfect balance of aging bad-ass, smart-ass, jack-ass, and secret goody-two-shoes. The supporting characters are all well-rendered and memorable. The dystopian setting, while nothing new, feels very real--at times, even uncomfortably so.

All things considered, the writing is really the star. The dialogue was near-perfect, each voice distinct and believable. The description was never overdone or too vague, with just enough focus on the right kind of detail to set the tone. It was smart, funny, disturbing, and action-packed--just the way I like them. Bravo, Mr. Somers!