A review by s3c0ndbreakfast
The New Guy by Kathryn Freeman


This book was good, and in ways I don't expect. I did not like Ryan for a bit there. He definitely had a real prickly exterior and was not afraid to show that. As Sam was falling for him... I was too a little. Sam is such a happy upbeat person and they could not be any more different...yet they work! Opposites really do attract. They had chemistry for sure, but once Sunshine Sam broke through the brooding grump that is Ryan, you could see his soft gooey center.
One thing that I really loved about this book was how real it was. We all have our soft underbelly that we try to protect, our secrets we keep and the hard exterior we show the world. It felt like I as reading about real people who take things wrong, the wrong things slipping out of their mouths and being overly sensitive about things -all so real. Being an Okie in the US I had to look up a lot of the British slang that was throughout the book but I don't feel like it took away from the story.
I really did love the book, though I wish I got to see more of Damien getting his comeuppance and more of the HEA between Ryan and Sam. And honestly, more of Maggie, Erin, and Sam's parents. I liked their personalities, funny and sweet, just like this book.