A review by vikingvisuals
Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker


As someone who has always struggled with sleep, I thought I always knew how important sleep was. It was obvious to me how the missing hours of sleep caused me to feel exhausted throughout the day, thus hampering my desire as well as ability to get things done, even those things which I enjoy.

However reading this book made me realize that there are countless other aspects of my health and happiness that have suffered under my insomnia. Matthew Walker provides in this book irrefutable evidence of the importance of sleep and the disservice to ourselves and our fellow human beings we have unwittingly caused by our own lack (or sometimes willingness) of understanding in regards to this importance.

Through the citation of countless studies, some of which were under his own guidance, Matthew Walker illustrates various aspects of our health and well-being impacted by sleep. Through these studies and his wonderful explanation the reader is able to not only understand the importance, but see to it that these lessons are shared.

During my time reading this book I found myself understanding just how much my own sleep deprivation lined up with those negative consequences described in this book. I found myself also discussing the studies or statistics illustrated with those around me, even after the first few pages.

I have taken the information in this book to heart and am now doing my best to seek out further help in regards to my sleep health. Additionally I have been keeping up with the sleep hygiene rituals discussed towards the end of the book.

This book has been for me one of the most important books and one that I consider to be nearly essential reading for everyone, especially in a world that has not yet understood just how powerful sleep is and how neglecting we have been to it's powers.