A review by sortabadass
The Whispering Statue by Carolyn Keene


Ah, sweet nostalgia. I spent many happy hours with Nancy and her chums George and Bess when I was younger. This particular book is special to me because I have a copy from my grandmother which she inscribed with her name and the date she received it as a gift: March 18, 1943.

This is pretty standard Nancy Drew fare. Unlike the books published when I was young, George and Bess don't really have unique personalities and just fulfill the function of bosom buddies. Nancy is as much a Mary Sue as ever, but, c'mon. She's Nancy Drew. Of course she's talented, beautiful, kind, and brilliant. She is pretty much the mold for all of the girl geniuses of the future. In this volume we also meet Togo, Nancy's scampish little dog, for the first time.

Best Quote:
"You meant well, Nancy, but this time I'm afraid that in your great zeal to solve mysteries you have overstepped yourself."