A review by caseroo7
Foreplay by Sophie Jordan


Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

I will admit that at this point, I am a huge fan of the New Adult genre. I am always up for reading more of these stories, even if most of them usually have very similar story-lines or situations. At first glance, Foreplay sounds as though it is going to be like others out there. But I quickly realized that that was not the case with Sophie Jordan's Foreplay. I loved the characters in this story, I loved that there wasn't a cliffhanger ending, and I really loved that we got to see how even the best laid plans can change without us even knowing its happening!

Pepper had a tough childhood. After her father died, her mother couldn't take care of her as she should and dropped Pepper off to live with her grandmother. Pepper grows up with her best friend Lila and Lila's brother Hunter. They have the perfect family life and Pepper wants nothing more than to marry Hunter and join the family for real. There is just the problem of her not having much experience with boys and Hunter's girlfriend Paige. But when Hunter is suddenly single, Pepper decides it is time to gain the experience and make Hunter see how perfect they could be together. Pepper's suite-mates have heard rumors about a bartender who knows exactly what he is doing when it comes to girls, and they convince Pepper that he would be the perfect teacher for her to learn some foreplay. Reece the bartender ends up being nothing like what Pepper was expecting, and end up spending quite a bit of time together. But their foreplay lessons become more about feelings and each other than helping Pepper prepare for Hunter. Soon, Pepper and Reece are both wanting more from each other even though Pepper is still convinced that she needs to end up with Hunter. But when she finally gets a chance with Hunter, will it be everything she always dreamed of? Or will her new connection and relationship with Reece be what she really needs and wants?

I loved Reece! Hot and sexy while being caring and sweet. I was rooting for his character from the start. He has a tough past as well as Pepper and that made him sometimes try and push her away. But even though he would sometimes try to keep her at arm's length, you could tell the whole time he was struggling with his growing feelings for her and that he really did care about her. Pepper was a little naive and immature, and she thought that she needed a certain type of life for her future. I think that Reece was perfect for her, because he really started to open her eyes to her shortsightedness about what she thought she needed and wanted. Although Hunter was nice and familiar, I never felt as though he was right for Pepper. There was just never a spark there. However with Pepper and Reece, they barely had to be around each other before it seemed as though they would ignite! They were super hot together and had some amazing chemistry! I loved that he was patient with her and that he seemed to not only care about the physical stuff with Pepper. They were very fun to read about and I loved Pepper and Reece together.

Overall, this book is one that I absolutely couldn't put down. Pepper and Reece made me fall for them, and I really felt their connection from the start. They were sweet and sexy together, and I thought that they really balanced each other out. I loved their steamy scenes, but what really got me were the sweet ones. This story was full of wonderful characters that were deep and interesting. Sophie Jordan may have been a new to me author before reading Foreplay, but I am now a fan! I cannot wait to read more from her in the future! I am especially excited to read more in this series, The Ivy Chronicles, and see some of the other characters get their HEAs as well as hopefully see some more of Reece and Pepper. Fans of romance filled with both sweet and sexy should definitely read this story. I think most romance readers will be like me and find it impossible not to fall in love with Reece and Pepper.

**ARC provided by Edelweiss*