A review by leviofmichigan
A Light So Lovely: The Spiritual Legacy of Madeleine l'Engle, Author of a Wrinkle in Time by Sarah Arthur


Good book, really made me want to get back into reading L'Engle, however, I had to take away one star because the author referred to universalism as "the heresy of universalism." What the heck. That's a bold statement. Please save that for your theological investigations or sermons, and get that judgment out of a book about someone who was basically a universalist, whether she liked that label or not. A universalist, by my understanding, is a person who does not believe that the majority of G-d's created people will find their ultimate end in eternal torment. The person may believe this because it is what they have gathered from the Bible, or they may believe it because they simply cannot fathom it being any other way. Both perspectives are valid. None of it is heresy.