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A review by cavalary
Scene din inimă by Svante Thunberg, Malena Ernman, Greta Thunberg, Beata Ernman
[EN: (RO below)]
I’m not sure how much was lost in the Romanian translation of this book, but it’d have also been translated if I’d have read it in English and the sensationalist English title, “Our House Is on Fire: Scenes of a Family and a Planet in Crisis”, makes me have doubts about the rest of that translation anyway, even more so when the original title, “Scenes from the Heart”, preserved in the Romanian edition, fits so well. Because this book is so deeply personal, so incredibly open, so painfully honest, that every word must be from the heart, and this is what makes it worth reading.
True, it makes a great difference if the personal parts are particularly familiar, perhaps even more so if only the problems are, in which case the admission that having the social status, contacts and wealth required to access the solutions needed for such individuals and families to remain more or less functional is such a rare privilege can feel somewhat soothing. And I see that some are bothered by this mix of personal matters and activism, and of neurodivergence and the climate crisis. But, again, the truth is that it’s those personal parts that make this book truly remarkable.
Sure, some of the environmental parts, mainly those stressing the severity of the crisis and pointing out the problems, on every level, as well as how false and even dangerous the popular “solutions” are, can be well written and compelling, but others, mainly those presenting other solutions that are, at least in theory, readily available and expressing a belief that the tide may be turning, are less so. And, either way, a book focusing solely on those matters would have been preaching to the choir. Plus that a book that’s based on data quickly becomes outdated. And I must also mention how infuriating it is when Greta makes a point of arguing against those who dare to fight an even harder battle by raising the overpopulation problem, and doing so in a manner that’s so similar to that used by those who dismiss the climate crisis.
Nu-s sigur cat s-a pierdut in traducerea in romana a acestei carti, dar ar fi fost tradusa si daca as fi citit-o in engleza si titlul senzationalist in engleza, "Casa noastra arde: Scene dintr-o familie si o planeta in criza", ma face oricum sa am dubii legat de restul acelei traduceri, cu atat mai mult cu cat titlul original, "Scene din inima", pastrat in editia romana, se potriveste atat de bine. Pentru ca aceasta carte este atat de profund personala, incredibil de deschisa, dureros de sincera, incat fiecare cuvant trebuie sa fie din inima, si asta e ce o face sa merite citita.
Adevarat, face o mare diferenta daca partile personale sunt deosebit de familiare, poate cu atat mai mult daca doar problemele sunt, caz in care recunoasterea ca a avea statutul social, relatiile si averea necesare pentru a accesa solutiile de care astfel de indivizi si familii au nevoie pentru a ramane mai mult sau mai putin functionali este un privilegiu atat de rar poate fi oarecum linistitor. Si vad ca unii sunt deranjati de acest amestec de probleme personale si activism, si de neurodivergenta si criza climatica. Dar, din nou, adevarul e ca acele parti personale fac aceasta carte cu adevarat remarcabila.
Sigur, unele dintre partile despre mediu, in principal cele care subliniaza gravitatea crizei si arata problemele, la toate nivelurile, precum si cat de false si chiar periculoase sunt "solutiile" populare, pot fi bine scrise si convingatoare, dar altele, in principal cele care prezinta alte solutii care sunt, cel putin in teorie, usor disponibile si exprima o credinta ca mersul lucrurilor s-ar schimba, mai putin. Si, oricum, o carte care s-ar axa strict pe acele teme s-ar fi adresat doar celor deja implicati. Plus ca o carte care se bazeaza pe date devine rapid depasita. Si trebuie sa mentionez si cat de enervant e cand Greta tine sa-i combata pe cei care indraznesc sa lupte o batalie si mai dificila ridicand problema suprapopularii, si o face intr-o maniera care este atat de asemanatoare cu cea folosita de cei care resping criza climatica.
I’m not sure how much was lost in the Romanian translation of this book, but it’d have also been translated if I’d have read it in English and the sensationalist English title, “Our House Is on Fire: Scenes of a Family and a Planet in Crisis”, makes me have doubts about the rest of that translation anyway, even more so when the original title, “Scenes from the Heart”, preserved in the Romanian edition, fits so well. Because this book is so deeply personal, so incredibly open, so painfully honest, that every word must be from the heart, and this is what makes it worth reading.
True, it makes a great difference if the personal parts are particularly familiar, perhaps even more so if only the problems are, in which case the admission that having the social status, contacts and wealth required to access the solutions needed for such individuals and families to remain more or less functional is such a rare privilege can feel somewhat soothing. And I see that some are bothered by this mix of personal matters and activism, and of neurodivergence and the climate crisis. But, again, the truth is that it’s those personal parts that make this book truly remarkable.
Sure, some of the environmental parts, mainly those stressing the severity of the crisis and pointing out the problems, on every level, as well as how false and even dangerous the popular “solutions” are, can be well written and compelling, but others, mainly those presenting other solutions that are, at least in theory, readily available and expressing a belief that the tide may be turning, are less so. And, either way, a book focusing solely on those matters would have been preaching to the choir. Plus that a book that’s based on data quickly becomes outdated. And I must also mention how infuriating it is when Greta makes a point of arguing against those who dare to fight an even harder battle by raising the overpopulation problem, and doing so in a manner that’s so similar to that used by those who dismiss the climate crisis.
Nu-s sigur cat s-a pierdut in traducerea in romana a acestei carti, dar ar fi fost tradusa si daca as fi citit-o in engleza si titlul senzationalist in engleza, "Casa noastra arde: Scene dintr-o familie si o planeta in criza", ma face oricum sa am dubii legat de restul acelei traduceri, cu atat mai mult cu cat titlul original, "Scene din inima", pastrat in editia romana, se potriveste atat de bine. Pentru ca aceasta carte este atat de profund personala, incredibil de deschisa, dureros de sincera, incat fiecare cuvant trebuie sa fie din inima, si asta e ce o face sa merite citita.
Adevarat, face o mare diferenta daca partile personale sunt deosebit de familiare, poate cu atat mai mult daca doar problemele sunt, caz in care recunoasterea ca a avea statutul social, relatiile si averea necesare pentru a accesa solutiile de care astfel de indivizi si familii au nevoie pentru a ramane mai mult sau mai putin functionali este un privilegiu atat de rar poate fi oarecum linistitor. Si vad ca unii sunt deranjati de acest amestec de probleme personale si activism, si de neurodivergenta si criza climatica. Dar, din nou, adevarul e ca acele parti personale fac aceasta carte cu adevarat remarcabila.
Sigur, unele dintre partile despre mediu, in principal cele care subliniaza gravitatea crizei si arata problemele, la toate nivelurile, precum si cat de false si chiar periculoase sunt "solutiile" populare, pot fi bine scrise si convingatoare, dar altele, in principal cele care prezinta alte solutii care sunt, cel putin in teorie, usor disponibile si exprima o credinta ca mersul lucrurilor s-ar schimba, mai putin. Si, oricum, o carte care s-ar axa strict pe acele teme s-ar fi adresat doar celor deja implicati. Plus ca o carte care se bazeaza pe date devine rapid depasita. Si trebuie sa mentionez si cat de enervant e cand Greta tine sa-i combata pe cei care indraznesc sa lupte o batalie si mai dificila ridicand problema suprapopularii, si o face intr-o maniera care este atat de asemanatoare cu cea folosita de cei care resping criza climatica.