A review by melledotca
The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie by Wendy McClure


Key learnings: Little House on the Prairie books/Laura Ingalls Wilder/the pioneer life are really big among homeschoolers, evangelical Christians, and End Times nutters. And perhaps all three at once in some cases.

It's an interesting read for someone like me, who's of exactly the demographic she talks about a lot - females who grew up in the 70s and 80s and owned the Scholastic sets of the books, etc. However, I kinda stopped there and some people became obsessed. I had no idea there was so much Laura scholarship, and, I admit, I find the Little House literary criticism laughable.

And while I would like to see the farm/museum in Missouri, the idea of driving potentially a couple thousand miles to see a field or a recreation of a barn really doesn't float my boat. But again, some people do it repeatedly.

In any case, a really interesting window into a sliver of culture, and a total nostalgia trip. I might just read the series again. :)