A review by paddlefoot55
Make or Break by Catherine Bennetto


ARC Received for an honest review

This is Miss Bennetto's second novel, and I loved it even more than her first book, How Not To Fall In Love, Actually.

They say a change is as good as a holiday, right?

Well, for Jess, a holiday changes everything.

Boy, does everything change for Jess when she heads to Cape Town with her boyfriend for her best friend's wedding.

Firstly - ugh, don't get me started on the douchenozzle of a boyfriend Pete is and I disliked him from the first minute we met him.

Jess is all kinds of paranoid and scaredy-cat and omg I just wanted to shake some fun into her at times.

I liked that Make or Break was set in Cape Town, somewhere I have not come across a book being set before. Kinda gave me a hankering to visit.

Jess's family is complicated, and man forget the boyfriend, no wonder Jess rides the crazy train! I don't want to give anything away, but wowsers! These people!

They will Make or Break Jess!

Things do really turn out for the better with this holiday though, as much as it doesn't feel like they will.

I did find that the pacing of this book at times was a little slow, however I was completely involved in this story, so it did not bother me that much.

This book was also a lot more emotional than I was expecting. I did find myself reading through watery eyes a few times as things came to pass.

I spent the afternoon on the coach devouring Make Or Break. I laughed, I cried, I yelled at my book.

I am keen to see what Ms Bennetto bring us next.

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