A review by adammm
Love Him Free by E.M. Lindsey


I found this book very frustrating to read for a myriad of reasons. First, everyone is horrible to Simon, one of the protagonists, yet he is meant to be the difficult one for some reason which is never clearly articulated. Second, it is very clear that at least 75% of the characters in this book appeared in previous books - which makes me wonder how this can be considered the "first in the series." Third, literally every single adult who appears in the book is gay - in a small town. That does not happen. Ever. Fourth, the adult entertainment plotline(s) is incredibly unrealistic on every level. Finally, the relationship is inexplicable instalove between two incredibly dissimilar people who share nothing in common and, honestly, don't even find a common ground in the course of the novel.

I find it hard to identify what I actually like about this book. Good Deaf/Jewish representation, I guess? Besides that, this book is an unrealistic, frustrating bore. I may try more books by this author (I want more Jewish representation!), but I won't go out of my way for it. Recommended if you like good representation; Jewish baked goods; instalove; sex workers; one-dimensional characters with no redeeming qualities.