A review by amysbookishlife
The International Yeti Collective by Paul Mason


This was a real feel good book, that made me feel all warm inside. I loved the concept of the Yeti's and how they got their names and found it to be one of the most interesting aspects of the entire book. I also enjoyed how unique they were and their whole originality.

However, I found the plot quite slow to start off with and I was expecting a bit more interaction between the humans and the yeti's. From what I'd heard I thought this was going to happen, and was slightly disappointed. Mind you, I found the last part of the story to be quite thrilling and I was invested in what was going to happen to all characters.

This was a good read and one that I did enjoy. I feel that children aged 8 - 12 will get the most from it. It's entertaining, original and exciting.