A review by angelndpaint
Normal People by Sally Rooney


I read this book after reading Beautiful World Where Are You, and I don't think I would have picked it up on its own. While there are themes in this book about issues such as class difference in social dynamics, capitalism, and tackling the habit of wealthy people discussing ideas about the working class as if it was fiction or entertainment, there was a certain bleakness that I felt throughout the entire book that I wasn't particularly fond of.

I did find the writing beautiful, and it can definitely make the reader think about what really is the definition of a healthy person as well. It wouldn't be a surprise to say that both of the main characters are quite unhealthy and that it is continually explored throughout the book.

However, it's maneuvering through the story and pinpointing exactly the areas of themselves where the characters needed to work on that was interesting for me. It can make the reader think about their own issues and what other areas of their lives they can face, to learn from the book and try to become a healthier person themselves.